Structure of the ISO 9001:2015 standard
- Subject of the standard
- Normative references
- Terms and definitions
- Context of the organization
- Leadership
- Planning
- Support
- Service
- Performance evaluation
- Improvement
Revision ISO 9001:2015
The standard ISO 9001 revision brings various changes. These changes are mostly related to the structure of the standard itself, but as well to the requirements.
Structure of the standard was extended related to the number of the articles; we have now 10 articles from the original 8. This change is related to the superior ISO documentation (specifically Appendix SL, HLS - High Level structure), that talks about the structure of all revised ISO standards, including the ISO 9001. Due to this, it will be easier to navigate in the requirements of the standards for all companies that implemented and certified more management systems (quality, environment, information security, etc.). The need for so called transducer tables (used to connect the management systems together) will be eliminated. The names of the articles are unified and even the wording of more common articles of the standards are uniform.
There are some requirements that have changed in the latest standard revisition:
- documents and records changed to documented information
- there is no requirement to maintain some of the documented processes (e.g. for managing internal audits, managing nonconforming products, ...)
- the need for maintaining the Quality manual was dismissed
- there was added a risk approach by managing quality management system
- preventive action is managed via managing risks of the company
- top management of the company obtains higher level of involvement from the leadership position
- the management review is enriched by some more inputs
- the company has to identify its stakeholders and influences that relate to its activity
- and other ...

Would you like to know more?
Come to our training or contact us.
We will help you to transition to the new standard without any issues and to obtain the certificate according to ISO 9001:2015.