ISO certification
Obtaining the certificate is usually the main objective that each company wants to achieve. The steps to obtain the certificate depend on the status of the system in each company. In other words, if you have the system implemented or not, if you have people who implement the system or you need support of external company, etc.
In general we can say the steps are:
- decision about the need to obtain/refresh the certificate in the management systems area
- selection of external company for the system/systems implementation
- define responsibilities for implementation and certification of the system/systems in the company
- GAP analysis - comparison of the current system state in the company with the norm/norms requirements
- set the implementation timeframe
- the implementation of the system/systems
- Selection process of the accredited certification body
- Succesfully pass the certification audit
We’ll help you to elaborate the GAP analysis
We’ll support you to select accredited certification body, whose certificate guarantees for you, your business partners and the market environment, that you’ve successfully implemented all requirements of the norm/norms.
Please, contact us HERE.